Author: Eddie

Blue Pea Santan Agar Agar

This agar agar recipe is flavoured with Blue Butterfly Pea Flowers (Bunga Telang) and Pandan leaves. I used the dried flowers to extract the deep blue colour but you can also use fresh flowers. Adding a layer of santan (coconut milk) on top of agar agar jelly dessert makes it extra flavourful. There are a

Soft Pretzels

If you have eaten Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, then you will know what I’m making using a Bread Machine. This popular shop can be found in shopping malls here in Singapore and Malaysia but can be quite expensive for each piece. If you do not have a Bread Machine, use a Cake Mixer with a dough

Chicken and Mushroom Claypot Rice

Rice cooked in a claypot has a distinct smoky flavour and forms a thin layer of lightly burnt crispy rice. Claypot lovers simply cannot resist scraping off the sides and mixing the burnt rice with the rest of the ingredients. This one dish meal is a favourite comfort food among the locals here in Singapore

Mango Pudding

This cold yummy dessert is best eaten during hot weather. It should be soft but firm enough not to fall apart when scooping up with a spoon. It should also have a strong mango flavour and smooth texture. Use only fresh mangoes when available. If they are not in season and you’re really craving for